Review Reminder

A Review Reminder automatically sends notifications when a Workflow Review is outstanding, the Reminder can be customised by the Organisation Administrator for your organisation:

  1. From the main Dashboard select Administration.
  2. From the System menu, choose Content Management.

    The Content Management view displays.

  3. Select Review Reminder from the list, followed by Edit Review Reminder from the toolbar.

    The Edit Email Template - Review Reminder pop-up displays to the right.
  4. Optionally, edit the Title.
  5. Edit/Format the text as required.
    Highlight the text and select Size or Font to change the text Size or Font type.

  6. Select Options to format the message.
    See - Formatting.
  7. To add Merge Fields, choose the appropriate place in your text, select Options and scroll to the end.
    Select from Name of reviewer, Name of workflow/guideline and/or The date of workflow/guideline.

    Important - The Merge Field is added using {xxxxxxxxxxx} format, do not edit the contents of the brackets.
  8. Select Save to update the changes, and X to close the pop-up.